Search found 13 matches

by Sebas1493
11 Jan 2012, 20:09
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: GM Applications & Requirements
Replies: 140
Views: 66252

Re: GM Applications

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge? Quickheals - TBC ......Deathseals - Wotlk Realm How old are you: 18 What country do you currently live in: Colombia Do you speak any other languages besides English: Spanish and French. If so, how well: Spanish we could say that I talk it perf...
by Sebas1493
19 Oct 2010, 00:43
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Donation information.
Replies: 1
Views: 1020

Donation information.

Hello dear staff , well I'm writting because I started to play yesterday on the Wrath realm, and I actually want to know if I could transfer one donation ship from a TBC character to the wrath one. ¿Is there any problem with that? I would like to see the answer asap :) , thank you for your attent...
by Sebas1493
26 Jun 2010, 23:50
Forum: Screenshots & Videos
Topic: Dodge skill works for the spells... .:P
Replies: 1
Views: 1390

Dodge skill works for the spells... .:P

O hai guys , I just wanna show you my amazing dodge skill lmao. I was kinda bored :D
Kewl gear giefs 100% dodge gogo buy it nao , kk tnx.

by Sebas1493
26 Jun 2010, 00:59
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 1857


Great , I look into your soul. EVIL for sure!!!! muahaha. Ash don't be jelous next time you could be the evil one if you want :) lol. Btw thank you and great job you nab.
by Sebas1493
23 Jun 2010, 22:05
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Silentium bug abuser >> fake :D
Replies: 2
Views: 1376

Re: Silentium bug abuser >> fake :D

So you think , I'm just bad. Well the report was 100% clean. I didn't edited the SS , and I hope staff works on this problem. Btw I don't win anything editing a SS. I'm just helping the server to be better.
so next time think before posting.


by Sebas1493
20 Jun 2010, 00:54
Forum: Closed Reports
Topic: "Honor of Arathi Basin"
Replies: 2
Views: 1346

"Honor of Arathi Basin"

Hello dear staff, I would like to report this bugged quest ,because I think we really need this to get fixed and is my main way to get badges. Well I was on my priest , and I just wanted to eschange my 10 Arathi Basin marks for 4 Badge of justice. But when I was going to exchange them the npc didn't...
by Sebas1493
18 Jun 2010, 16:56
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Silentium bug abuser
Replies: 1
Views: 1158

Silentium bug abuser

Hello dear staff , While I was healing my party i found <silentium> had a 5 shadowform stack. I would like you to take you own actions with this event, seeing that he isn't a player that follow the rules. Well thank you for your attention and good luck with the server actualization :). thank you, Qu...
by Sebas1493
10 Jun 2010, 23:30
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: I need some Donation information
Replies: 6
Views: 2263

Re: I need some Donation information

Yup i'm on , on my donor shammy. lol He's name is Nightdream.

by Sebas1493
10 Jun 2010, 23:17
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: I need some Donation information
Replies: 6
Views: 2263

Re: I need some Donation information

OK sir , I'm in now, when you want iI'm ready! Already got the ticket :)

by Sebas1493
10 Jun 2010, 22:44
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: I need some Donation information
Replies: 6
Views: 2263

Re: I need some Donation information

Yes sir i don't have anyinfo of my email ( The lost one) but I can login in the account if you want so, the problem is that Can i donate from my active account ( The one that have my active email) to transfer the "donorship" from the other account ?( the one that i don't) If you want i can...