Search found 42 matches

by Gamax
06 Aug 2012, 01:29
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Not sure if my account was deleted or my info is wrong
Replies: 3
Views: 1863

Re: Not sure if my account was deleted or my info is wrong

i could have sworn i was on within the last 6 months on the BC to check out how packed it was, is there anyway i can get back my donor characters or have new one's made to replace those? I also made a new account for the new wrath server and it's saying it's offline although the website is saying it...
by Gamax
04 Aug 2012, 23:44
Forum: Help, Issues & Reports
Topic: Not sure if my account was deleted or my info is wrong
Replies: 3
Views: 1863

Not sure if my account was deleted or my info is wrong

Hey Henry, I heard about the LK upgrade so i figured i'd come back for a few and check it out, Although I'm having problems logging in both to the game itself ( i may be having a problem with the realmlist (set realmlist and i'm having a issue logging into the Account Manag...
by Gamax
09 Dec 2009, 12:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Looking for a song title
Replies: 3
Views: 1812

Re: Looking for a song title

Awesome i just sent him a message asking about the song, how'd you go about finding out who's Sig it was?
by Gamax
09 Dec 2009, 09:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Looking for a song title
Replies: 3
Views: 1812

Looking for a song title

Hey guys, this may come as a weird request but i'm currently on the hunt for the name of a song used in a pvp video that was posted on the smolderforge forums at some point, it was the Signature of someone, here is a link to the video ( it's Hoodstar 3)
by Gamax
03 Dec 2009, 01:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Gamax is heading back home
Replies: 3
Views: 1958

Gamax is heading back home

Sup guys Gamax here, took me about 3 days or so but i finally remembered my account info for the forums. I'll hopefully be back on Smolderforge soon, i'm just having a few problems with actually being able to have a 2nd WoW file on my pc, for some reason even though i've downloaded Burning Crusade i...
by Gamax
24 May 2009, 12:44
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hijacked 2v2 need your help here Hen
Replies: 2
Views: 1611

Hijacked 2v2 need your help here Hen

Well my arena partner invited someone to the 2v2 team to play a few games, he had my partner give him leader so he could invite a alt, he then removed both me and my partner from the team and disbanned the team soley because we were ranked at number 2 at the time, i'm asking to see if there is anywa...
by Gamax
12 May 2009, 09:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Just stopping by for the 411 on SF
Replies: 3
Views: 3369

Re: Just stopping by for the 411 on SF

Also i'm looking to speak with the player Seldomis, if you see this message just send me a PM with your regular online time and i'll swing by and hit you up ingame
by Gamax
12 May 2009, 05:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Just stopping by for the 411 on SF
Replies: 3
Views: 3369

Just stopping by for the 411 on SF

Sup guys, been awhile i know, between retail and other things i've barley had the chance to stop by and see whats going on with SF, something made me swing by the forums and i was glad to see some old faces still hanging around and posting, seems that their have been some changes, new peeps taking o...
by Gamax
18 Dec 2008, 04:29
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 9
Views: 4947


Thanks For The Warm Welcome Back Guys, it's good to come back to some old and new faces, i really didnt know how much of the " old timers" left SmolderForge For Retail at first but from what i've heard it hasnt been that heavy of a hit.
by Gamax
17 Dec 2008, 07:54
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 9
Views: 4947


Thanks man, i'm not sure that it'll be a "full out return" but i'll be on here and there, i think i havent played wow in like 2-3 months :(