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- 26 Apr 2020, 00:19
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!
- Replies: 11
- Views: 28838
Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!
Im running high sierra
- 21 Apr 2020, 01:06
- Forum: News & Updates
- Topic: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!
- Replies: 11
- Views: 28838
Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!
hello everyone, I'm from excalibur and its been along time that I have logged in. I was really sad to see the server went down. I got a new set up, iMac and have never owned one before. I'm having a really tought time trying to get wow to run. any tips on what I can go?